Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Alison is in the hospital. She went in yesterday, directly from her doctor's appointment to follow up on her trip to the ER on Saturday. She has pneumonia. She's now pretty well re-hydrated, a lot more alert when she's awake, and is even eating a little bit. We had hoped that she would be released by tomorrow, but that doesn't look likely at this point, although her breathing treatments are now every 4 hours instead of 6 which may help to break things up a little faster. They had to turn her oxygen up last night, but were able to turn it back down a little this morning and her oxygen levels stayed pretty much the same, so hopefully we'll be able to keep weaning her off the oxygen as the day progresses. We're also hopeful that, as long as she keeps drinking fluids, we'll be able to get rid of the IV soon, too.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Alison's renal unltrasound went well. Her kidneys look fine and her bladder is still slightly thickened but is unchanged from last year. The pressure test went really well. She definitely knows when she needs to go. They will see us again in 2 years,unless there are complications.